对于高中英语深度阅读的思考——以 B3U4Chinese scientist wins 2015 Nobel Prize为例
吴金莲,闫雨薇.新课标背景下高中英语阅读教学中核心素养的培养路径探究[J]教育进展,2024(2).Step 5Post-readingFurther thinking and discussionThe teacher has students work in groups and discuss the following questi
ons.①What significant role has traditional Chinese medicine played in Tu’s success?Keys:Firstly, Tu has a broad knowledge of both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, which enabled her to find a cure for malaria.Secondly, abundant traditional Chinese medical recipes gave her plenty of choices and the traditonal Chinese medical classics inspired her.②According to the report, why is Tu’s achievement so significant or how does her discovery influence the world?Keys:◎increase malaria patients’ chance of survival (for the world)◎promote traditional Chinese medicine and earn the international recognition (for China)◎inspire many young people (for the future generation )结合所学,指导学生小组合作,总结反思中医在青蒿素研究中的作用,并引导学生学会运用文本信息佐证自己的观点。引导学生通过讨论和小组合作内化迁移,从多维度思考屠呦呦的成就对整个世界的影响,深入理解科学对世界的巨大推动作用,科学家的担当和科学精神的宝贵HomeworkWrite a summary about Tu Youyou including her personal experience, research process and qualities.
Visit the official Nobel Prize website to learn more about these great scientists and their achievements.Finish relevant exercise in the workbook.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12345/jxffcxysj.v8i1.23020
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