5G 技术在火电厂 DCS 热控自动化系统中无线信号传输的应用
李东光.论火电厂DCS热控自动化安装调试分析[J].中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术,2021(5).Discussion on Some Problems of New Energy Centralized Control Center Connected to Power Grid SystemRuijun ChengCHN Energy, Beijing, 100022, ChinaAbstract In the process of connecting the new energy centralized control center to the power grid system, actively paying attention to related issues not only helps to ensure the stability and security of the power grid system, but also plays an important role in improving the overall management level of the centralized control center, responding to network threats and ensuring information security. The paper adopts methods such as literature research to analyze the current
situation of the construction of the network security access area in the new energy centralized control center. Subsequently, guided by the current situation, targeted analysis is conducted on the possible communication and network security issues in the access to the power grid system, in o
rder to provide reference for the communication and security management of the new energy centralized control center’s access to the power grid system in the future.Keywordspower grid system; new energy; centralized control center新能源集控中心接入电网系统若干问题的探讨程睿君国家能源集团,中国·北京 100022摘要新能源集控中心作为新能源电力系统的重要组成部分接入电网系统的过程中,积极关注相关问题,不仅有助于保障电网系统的稳定性和安全性,而且对提升集控中心的整体管理水平、应对网络威胁及保障信息安全起到重要作用。论文采用文献研究法等方法,分析新能源集控中心网络安全接入区的建设现状,随后以现状为导向,针对性分析接入电网系统中可能存在的通信及网络安全问题,以期为后续新能源集控中心接入电网系统的通信及安全管理提供参考。关键词电网系统;新能源;集控中心【作者简介】程睿君(1978-),男,中国山西晋中人,本科,工程师,从事能源领域工业互联网、时序数据存储、数据中台等研究。1 引言《国家能源局关于做好新能源消纳工作保障新能源高质量发展的通知》明确指出,要加快推进新能源配套电网项目建设,积极推进系统调节能力提升和网源协调发展,充分发挥电网资源配置平台作用。随着风能、太阳能等新能源的广泛应用,集控中心需要通过高效的通信系统和严格的网络安全措施,确保与电网系统的顺畅连接和安全运行。然而,随着新能源接入规模的扩大,集控中心在通信和网络安全方面面临的挑战也日益凸显。在通信系统建设中,如何选择合适的通信光缆接入方式成为亟待解决的问题。同时,网络安全问题也愈发重要,如何合理规划网络安全接入区并部署有效的网络安全防护设施,也成为保障系统稳定性的关键因素。
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12345/dlynyqy.v2i9.20899
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