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Factors Affecting the Entrepreneurial Intention of Students at Tan Trao University

Hoang Anh Dao(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Tan Trao University, Yenson District, Tuyen Quang Province, 300000, Vietnam)
Chu Thanh Mai(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Tan Trao University, Yenson District, Tuyen Quang Province, 300000, Vietnam)
Phi Tra My(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Tan Trao University, Yenson District, Tuyen Quang Province, 300000, Vietnam)
Phan Huyen Linh(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Tan Trao University, Yenson District, Tuyen Quang Province, 300000, Vietnam)
Le Hai Yen(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Tan Trao University, Yenson District, Tuyen Quang Province, 300000, Vietnam)


Entrepreneurship is one of the popular choices for students after graduation from higher education. The study focuses on proposing a model to identify the factors affecting the entrepreneurial intention of students at Tan Trao University by researching some typical models in the world. By quantitative research methods based on a survey of 391 students, the study has shown that there are 5 factors affecting the entrepreneurial intention of students at Tan Trao University, including opportunity, motivation, perception of behavioral control, skills and resources for entrepreneurship. Thereby, the study proposes a number of solutions for the students, the university and other related parties to promote students’ entrepreneurial intentions.


Factors; Entrepreneurial intention; Students; Tan Trao University

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