理查德·赖特的《土生子》成书于 1940 年,从此美国社会对黑人文学刮目相看。论文旨在解读书中道尔顿先生的人物形象,通过运用“囚徒困境”和其两种经典的解决方案,分析道尔顿先生在白人和黑人两股势力中间的斡旋对策,揭示其做出权衡背后的真正原因实属无奈之举。
PDF (English)参考
董衡巽 . 美国文学简史 [M]. 北京 : 人民文学出版社 ,1986.
赖特· 理查德.土生子[M].施咸荣,译.上海:上海译文出版社,1983.
Locke, A. The New Negro: An Interpretation[M].New York: Albert and Charles Boni,1925.
Robert, B. The Negro Novel in America[M].New Haven: Yale University Press,1965: 153-154.
Marowski, D. (ed.) Contemporary Literary Criticism[M].Detroit: GaleResearch Company,1985.
Brown, K. L. and Y. Shoham. Essentials of Game Theory: A Concise, Multidisciplinary Introduction[M].San Rafael: Morgan and Claypool Publishers,2008.
Campbel, R and L. Sowden. (ed.) Paradoxes of Rationality and Cooperation, Prisoner’s Dilemma and Newcomb’s Problem[M].The University of British Columbia Press,1995.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26549/whyscx.v3i4.5113
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