高丽,张洪明,李险峰.放射性心脏损伤诊断方法的研究进展[J].国际放射医学核医学杂志,2020(2).Treatment of Large Defects in Predeciduous TeethZhihui Song Shuyan Guo1. Inner Mongolia Medical University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, 010000, China2. Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, Hohhot, Inner
Mongolia, 010000, ChinaAbstractAs living standards continue to improve, children’s diets are becoming more refined, and oral health issues among children are on the rise. Large-scale decay in primary anterior teeth is particularly common. Currently, there are various treatments for large-scale decay in primary anterior teeth, depending on factors such as the child, the dentist, and costs. The advent of transparent preformed crowns and the ongoing development of various filling materials have reduced the occurrence of secondary caries after fillings, making the teeth’s appearance more aesthetically pleasing and better meeting the needs of children and their parents. Parents now have new options, and pediatric dentists can choose more appropriate treatment plans. The following is a review of treatment methods for large-scale decay in primary anterior teeth, filling materials, prevention, and more.Keywordprimary anterior teeth; transparent preformed crown; glass ionomer cemen
t; composite resin乳前牙大面积缺损的治疗宋智慧郭殊焱1.内蒙古医科大学,中国·内蒙古呼和浩特 0100002.内蒙古自治区妇幼保健院,中国·内蒙古呼和浩特 010000摘要随着生活水平的日益提高,儿童的饮食结构更加精细,儿童的口腔问题也日益增长。乳前牙的大面积缺损更是多见。目前乳前牙大面积缺损的治疗也根据患儿、医生以及费用等方面有了不同的治疗方式,透明预成冠的出现以及各种充填材料的不断发展,减少了充填后发生继发龋,使牙齿形态更美观,更加符合患儿及家长的需求,患儿家长有了新的选择,同时儿童口腔医生也能够选择更加合适的治疗方案。以下是对乳前牙大面积缺损的治疗方式、充填材料、预防等进行综述。关键词乳前牙;透明预成冠;玻璃离子水门汀;复合树脂【作者简介】宋智慧(1998-),女,中国黑龙江七台河人,在读硕士,从事儿童口腔医学研究。【通讯作者】郭殊焱(1974-),女,中国内蒙古呼和浩特人,本科,主任医师,从事儿童口腔医学研究。1 引言全国第四次口腔流行病学调查,其结果显示,3岁儿童乳牙患龋率为50.5%,5岁儿童为70.9%,已成为危害中国儿童口腔健康的第一大疾病
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12345/yzlcyxzz.v7i9.21199
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