Current and Future Research on Work-Family Balance: A Comprehensive Analysis Based on Literature
For a long time, the issue of work-family balance has been a focus of research by scholars in organizational behavior, psychology, and other fields. In 2020, COVID-19 swept across the globe. The change in work and lifestyle brought about by the great closure blurred the boundary between work and life. The work-family balance faced unprecedented challenges, both for organizations and individuals. So, since the COVID-19 epidemic, what trends and achievements have emerged in the research on work-family balance? To clarify these issues, the author of this article searched 70 pieces of literature related to work-family balance published between 2020 and 2023 based on core databases including the SSCI, ESCI, and SCIE. After analyzing and summarizing the latest research focuses, conclusions, and future directions of retrieved literature, the author predicted the future research directions of the work-family balance.
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