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Exploration of the Challenges Facing Intellectual Property Protection in the Age of Digital Economy and Solution Measures Analysis

Linyao Zhang(The University of Hong Kong)


In the background of the Internet economy, a new type of intellectual property, namely, network intellectual property, has been born. It is based on the traditional intellectual property rights such as copyright and industrial property, and broadens the intellectual property rights in the network environment to include areas such as databases, multimedia, electronic copyrights and computer software. This not only greatly enriches the scope of intellectual property rights, but also intensifies the risk of intellectual property infringement. In the context of the network economy, intellectual property protection faces new challenges and requirements. It has also attracted great attention from countries and international intellectual property organisations. They have conducted in-depth studies on the problems faced by intellectual property rights in the era of network economy and actively sought effective solutions to establish a complete and systematic intellectual property rights protection system to alleviate the pressure on intellectual property rights protection brought about by the complexity of the situation. In the context of network economy, IP protection faces new challenges and requirements. This has also attracted great attention from national and international IP organisations. They have conducted in-depth studies on the problems faced by IP in the era of network economy and actively sought effective solutions to establish a complete and systematic IP protection system to alleviate the pressure of IP protection brought about by complex situations.


Digital Economy Era; Intellectual Property Protection; Solution Measures

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