Research on the Impact of Consumers’ Purchasing Decision in E-commerce Live-steaming——Based on Cognitive and Perceptive Perspective
In the live-streaming area, high-tech social media has transformed our interactions and social activities through a brand new marketing approach. The research identifies the underlying drivers of purchasing decision from cognitive and perceptive perspective, and confirms the decision-making mechanism from individual view. Our study is based on S-O-R Theory, Social Presence Theory and Technology Acceptance Model, and we add Perceived Trust. A scale of 24 items which reflecting 6 construct was set up. Then a pre-test was designed to test the validity of scale and a formal experience was conducted to 311 customers. Data are analyzed applying the structural equation modelling (SEM) technique with SPSS and Amos. The results indicate that cognition and perception both positively influence Perceived Ease of Use. But only cognition can significantly affect Perceived Use, necessitating expertise of anchors and dissemination of high quality content. Besides, the affecting path of PU, PEOU and PT was verified, providing guidance for platform designing, anchor training and product selecting.
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