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A Method for Measuring LC Resonance Frequency by Impulse Response

Xu  Mingwei(School of Information Engineering, North China University of Science and Technology)
Gong Jiuxin(School of Information Engineering, North China University of Science and Technology)
Shi Yuechang(School of Information Engineering, North China University of Science and Technology)


LC circuit resonance frequency measurement often requires the use of professional analysis instruments such as LCR meters, vector network analyzers, but currently such instruments on the market are expensive, and it is difficult for non-professional institute personnel to access. Here comes unnecessary trouble. In view of this situation, a test method for measuring the resonance frequency using only a digital storage oscilloscope is proposed. Using the impulse signal to obtain the system response, the response waveform period can be observed through the oscilloscope.


LC circuit; Resonant frequency; Digital Storage Oscilloscope; Impulse signal

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