Journal of Educational Theory and Management
Serial Title: | Journal of Educational Theory and Management |  |
Print ISSN: | 2591-7099 |
Online ISSN: | 2591-7102 |
Frequency: | Quarterly-yearly |
Language: | English |
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The scope of articles collected in journal is as follows: |
1.Perspectives on education theory | 2.Changes and trends in the structure management education | 3.Relationship of education, business and management | 4.Higher Education | 5.Educational Delivery Mechanisms | |
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华文刊名: | 教学方法创新与实践 |  |
英文刊名: | Innovation and Practice of Teaching Methods |
国际刊号: | 2630-483X (Online) 2661-4367(Print) |
出刊周期: | 半月刊 |
期刊语言: | 华文 |
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期刊收录文章的专业范围如下: |
1. 语言教学 | 2. 艺术教学 | 3. 职业教学 | 4. 高等教学 | 5. 国际教育理论 | 6. 课堂教学与实践 |
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华文刊名: | 现代教育进展 | 2.jpg) |
英文刊名: | Progress of Modern Education |
国际刊号: | 3029-2468(Online)3029-245X(Print) |
出刊周期: | 半月刊 |
期刊语言: | 华文 |
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期刊收录文章的专业范围如下: |
1. 教育理论 | 2. 教育社会学 | 3. 教育心理学 | 4. 教育技术 | 5. 基础教育 | 6. 职业教育与成人教育 | 7. 高等教育 | | |
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