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The Integration of Modern Electronic Technology and E-Commerce: the Driving Force of Innovation Development

Yongchang Cai(Xi'an Fanyi University)


In the 21st century, which is known as the age of information, the integration of electronic technology and e-commerce has become an irreversible trend in the field of business. This trend not only promotes the innovative development of e-commerce, but also brings unprecedented opportunities and challenges for enterprises. With the continuous development and popularization of Internet technology, more and more people choose to carry out shopping, payment and other consumption activities through e-commerce platforms, which also provides merchants with a broader market space and more sales channels. At the same time, e-commerce also brings more convenience and choice to consumers, making it easier for consumers to obtain the goods and services they need. However, the development of e-commerce has also brought some new challenges, such as how to ensure the quality of goods, how to protect consumer privacy and so on. Therefore, enterprises and government departments need to strengthen the supervision and management of e-commerce to ensure its healthy and orderly development. In general, the integration of electronic technology and e-commerce has become an important trend in today's business field, which brings both opportunities and challenges to enterprises.


Electronic technology; Electronic commerce; Innovation and development; Driving force

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