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Discussion on the Integration of Musical Elements into the Social Practice Teaching of “The Outline of Chinese Modern and Contemporary History”

Zhou Yu(Shanghai Institute of Technology)


Teachers of the ideological and political theory course should be confident in the ideological and political course, insist on the unity of explicit education and recessive education, be good at exploring the ideological and political education resources contained in other courses and teaching methods, and realize the full-time education of all employees. At present, there is still much room for improvement in the collaborative education of aesthetic education and moral education. Teachers of the ideological and political theory course should actively guide and explore the ideological and political education resources of music resources, and use the artistic discourse system to interpret the historical process of modern Chinese social development and revolution, construction, and reform, and its inherent regularity, which reflects the national history and national conditions, reflects the positive results of Marxism in China, the era, and the popularization, guiding students to profoundly understand the history and how the people chose Marxism, chose the Chinese Communist Party, chose the socialist road, and chose reform and opening up; strengthening the road self-confidence, theoretical self-confidence, institutional self-confidence, and cultural self-confidence of socialism with Chinese characteristics; earnestly establish the belief that “only socialism can save China, only socialism with Chinese characteristics can develop China.”


Party history; National history; Social practice; Moral education; Aesthetic education

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Xi Jinping: “An important speech when visiting the members of the literary and art circles of the CPPCC meeting”, see People’s Daily, 1st edition, June 1, 2018.

Yu Jiafang: “The History of Modern Chinese Music”, Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2006, p. 4.

Wang Yihe: “The 20th Century in the Songs - Selected Works of Chinese Songs in the Past 100”. Editor-in-Chief Liu Xiliang: “The 20th Century in the Songs——A Selection of Chinese Songs in the Past 100 Years”. China International Broadcasting Press, 1999 edition.

Yu Jiafang: “The History of Modern Chinese Music”, Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2006, p. 312.

Zhou Xiaoyan, Ni Ruilin: “The Foundation of Vocal Music”, Central Radio and Television University Press, 2003, p. 301.

Mao Zedong: on the people's democratic dictatorship (June 1949), selected works of Mao Zedong, Volume 4, people's publishing house, 1991 edition, page 1469.

“The Same Song” series of editorial rooms: “Editor’s Message”, see Meng Xin, Qi Jiang: “Selection of Modern Peking Operas”, Modern Press, 2004 edition.

Xi Jinping: “Talks when meeting with the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Leung Chun-ying (December 20, 2012)”,

People’s Daily, December 21, 2012.

“Zhou Li Chunguan Zongbo”, see Yang Sai: “Chinese Musical Selections”, East China Normal University Press, 2018, p.10.



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