

鸿斌 谢(四川幼儿师范高等专科学校,中国)


学前儿童科学素养的发展对日后学业成就有着重要的影响,但目前大多数对儿童科学素养的研究主要集中在综述及评述类文章中,实证研究较少。论文从知网、万方、维普、ERIC、PsycARTICLES、PsycINFO、Web of science数据库收集了2010—2021年共12篇关于学前儿童科学素养的实证研究。通过系统性回顾分析方法,发现儿童执行功能、科学兴趣、亲子互动时间、家长教育卷入、教养方式、学前教育持续时间、教师在职培训、幼儿园科学活动等因素对儿童科学素养的发展有着重要的影响作用。




Nayfeld I, Fuccillo J, Greenfield D B. Executive functions in early learning: Extending the relationship between executive functions and school readiness to science[J]. Learning and Individual Differences, 2013,26:81-88.

Bauer J, Booth A. E. Early Childhood Research Quarterly Exploring potential cognitive foundations of scientific literacy in preschoolers : Causal reasoning and executive function[J]. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 2019,46:275-284.

Alterman R, Kirsh D. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society[M]. 2003:3.

Nayfeld I, Fuccillo J, Greenfield D B. Executive functions in early learning: Extending the relationship between executive functions and school readiness to science[J]. Learning and Individual Differences, 2013,26:81-88.

Stylianides A J, Stylianides G J. A Type of Parental Involvement With an Isomorphic Effect on Urban Children’s Mathematics, Reading, Science, and Social Studies Achievement at Kindergarten Entry[J]. Urban Education, 2011,46(3):408-425.



Curran F C. Estimating the relationship between preschool attendance and kindergarten science achievement: implications for early scuence achievement gaps [J]. Education Finance and Policy, 2019,14(2):210-241.

Kähler J, Hahn I, Köller O. The development of early scientific literacy gaps in kindergarten children[J]. International Journal of Science Education, 2020,42(12):1988-2007.

Gropen J, Kook J F, Hoisington C, Clark-Chiarelli, N. Foundations of Science Literacy: Efficacy of a Preschool Professional Development Program in Science on Classroom Instruction, Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge, and Children’s Observations and Predictions[J]. Early Education and Development, 2017,28(5): 607-631.

Kinzie M B, Whittaker J V, Williford A P, et al. MyTeachingPartner-Math/Science pre-kindergarten curricula and teacher supports: Associations with children’s mathematics and science learning[J]. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 2014,29(4):586-599.

Fragkiadaki G, Ravanis K. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction The unity between intellect, affect, and action in a child’s learning and development in science. Learning[J]. Culture and Social Interaction, 2021,29(2):100495.

Gomes J, Fleer M. The Development of a Scientific Motive : How Preschool Science and Home Play Reciprocally Contribute to Science Learning[J]. Research in Science Education. 2019,49:613-634.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12345/jxffcxysj.v6i10.12674


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