张锴.乡村振兴战略下高职院校面临的机遇与发展路径[J].教育与职业,2020(6):44-47.The Innovative Teaching Practice of Polymer Matrix Composites By “Theory-practice-extension” MethodPeijun Xu Junji Wei Yefei Tian Zhen Du Yixin HanSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, Chang’an University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710018, ChinaAbsrtactIn response to the issue of complex and difficult-to-grasp theories, abstract and inaccessible practices, and restricted expansion of innovative thinking in the course of polymer matrix composites, the cour
se innovation and reform have been carried out through modular reconstruction of teaching content, multi-dimensional integration of teaching resources, using the “theory-practice-thinking expansion” integrated teaching method as the main thread to drive students’ internal learning demands, the ideological and political education of the course as the secondary thread to stimulate students’
internal learning drive, and implementing the “four things, diversity and double-feedback” assessment mechanism as a guarantee. The students’ mastery level of theoretical knowledge, the cognitive depth of the combination of theory and practice, and the effect of expanding innovative thinking have been continuously enhanced. In the teaching process, more attention should be paid to expanding students’ innovative research thinking, and flexibly applying the core concepts of the structure and performance of polymer matrix composites to thrive in emerging fields. Keywordspolymer matrix composites; curriculum innovation; teaching model; curric
ulum ideology聚合物基复合材料“理—实—拓”贯通式教学创新实践许培俊魏俊基田野菲杜贞韩懿鑫长安大学材料科学与工程学院,中国·陕西西安 710018摘要针对聚合物基复合材料课程理论繁杂难掌握、实践抽象难接触、创新思维难拓展的问题,通过模块化重构教学内容、多维度融合教学资源、以“理论—实践—拓思”融会贯通式教学方法为主线牵引学生学习内需,以课程思政为辅线激发学生学习内驱,以落实“四化多样双反馈”考核机制为保障,开展课程创新改革。学生理论知识掌握程度、理实结合认识深度、创新思维拓展效果不断提升。教学过程中应更加注重拓展学生的创新研究思维,灵活运用聚合物基复合材料结构性能核心思想,在新兴领域发扬光大。关键词聚合物基复合材料;课程创新;教学模式;课程思政【基金项目】长安大学教育教学改革研究项目(项目编号:BY202338);陕西省重点研发计划项目(项目编号:2022GY-371);长安大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资助(项目编号:300102312404)。【作者简介】许培俊(1984-),男,中国甘肃兰州人,博士,教授,从事高分子材料与工程研究与教学研究。1 引言《聚合物基复合材料》是一门面向高分子材料与工程专业大三学生开设的中英文双语专业方向课程。培养学生运用“组成—结构—性能”这一复合材料核心思维,提升学生解决复杂工程问题的实践能力与综合素养,为从事聚合物及其复合材料的研究应用等相关工作提供必要的基础知识和相关技能。
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12345/jxffcxysj.v7i12.21432
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