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A Review on Physical, Online and Hybrid Teaching and Learning Pedagogy for Fashion Design Courses in China

Andi Ma(Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia)
MD NOOR HARRINNI(Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia)


In undergraduate fashion design education, the main focus is on clothing design, fashion brand garments, and design trends, especially on how to create and market these designs. Higher vocational education emphasizes developing design skills and methods, transforming design processes, and managing clothing production. In China, the first undergraduate major in fashion design started in 1983 at Suzhou Silk Institute of Technology, which used to be linked to the Ministry of Textile Industry. The mode of teaching and learning delivery of fashion design courses just like other courses, started with face-to-face teaching in physical classroom and practical training classes. However, due to fast development in educational technology and movement restriction during COVID-19 pandemic, the fashion design education is adapting the innovative learning management system and revolutionized into online and hybrid delivery of teaching and learning content. In this review, fashion design courses in China education system will be elaborated and comparison of physical, online, and hybrid delivery of fashion design course will be discussed. 


Online class ; Hybrid ; Fashion design course ; Learning management system

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